Namibia Day 3 – The drive from Etosha to Swakopmund

We got up at 6 and were packed and breakfasted by 7. We were keen to get the long drive started. The first hour or so was on the gravel road leading out of the park. We stopped to pay our park fees and to clear the checks for meat and foot and mouth. Then we continued along mostly sealed roads. Jamie drove first, then we swapped. We stopped at one point for fuel and to buy sandwiches for lunch (cheese and ham, Jamie’s favourite!) and then continued.

The landscape changed completely during the journey. It started as scrubby savannah, slowly all sign of vegetation ended and it turned to desert. Neither of us had ever seen a landscape like this before. As we continued, it got even weirder as the sea came into view! As we neared the coast, the town of Swakopmund appeared. It felt a bit a Spanish seaside town in winter, complete with confusing roadworks.

We managed to navigate to our campsite which was on the beach. We got out of the car to find that it was freezing! There was a cold sea breeze – Jamie was not impressed! Nevertheless, we set up the tent and went off in search of a bar! We walked along the sea front and paddled in the sea. Then we walked out along the pier, which involved timing it so that you didn’t get soaked by a wave! Then we walked along the main street and conveniently found a German pub. We booked a table and had a pint. Steak and local fish were ordered and some wine. It was a lovely evening, if a little random. Sitting in a German pub surrounded by German speakers in the middle of Namibia when it was freezing outside is a little unusual!

After the meal, we headed back to the campsite. Zzz…

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